Tummy Time!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Learning to Jump at 10 Months

Our friends have been so awesome and have given us so many hand me downs for Caitlin!  One of them is a Jumper.  I caught Caitlin finally jumping in the thing!!!  Seems like it's a lot of fun.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Sick with high fevers at 10 months.

Miss Caitlin has been sick the last 3 days and has been running high temperatures.  Saturday night she woke up with a temperature of 105.1 and terrible upset.  Warren & I gave her a bath and gave her Tylenol and got it back down to the 103s before she would go back to sleep...it's  been a long weekend.  She seems to be feeling a lot better now...however, she still had a tiny temp when she went to bed tonight.

Caitlin is getting bigger and nosy!

Caitlin is getting bigger & bigger!  Her bottom 2 teeth broke through when she was 8 1/2 months old...that was not fun.  No fever but lot's of fussiness for a LONG time!  But the finally popped through.  She is now 10 months old and she has some white areas on her top gums where her teeth are getting ready to break through.

She just had her 9 month appointment and she weighed 15lbs 10oz.  She is in the 8th % for her weight; 5% for her height; and 50th% for her head (she has a big melon, lol).  So she's a little munchkin.  She will have to be a gymnist or something because it doesn't look like she'll get to be a volleyball player :)

I've attached some videos so you can see how nosy she is becoming.

Fun pictures...from the last few months.

Yard work day!

Watching the Seals at Children's Pool in La Jolla.

Caitlin was helping daddy with yard work.

Bath time @ 8 months old

Baby blues

Sweet little profile!  I love her smile.

San Diego Zoo...the giraffes

10 months old
Hippo exhibit 

slightly amused by daddy

7 Months old...Christmas at Aunt Jodi's
Smiles at 7 Months