Tummy Time!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Caitlin had her first food...oatmeal!

Yesterday, Caitlin tried her first foods.  She seemed to take to it pretty well and wanted to grab the spoon every time....consequently she got to wear her food too!  Hope you enjoy the video :)  

Monday, November 7, 2011

Caitlin @ 5 Months

Caitlin's 1st Halloween

Miss Caitlin was a lady bug was Halloween (thanks Charlotte for the costume).  It was super cute!  We went to a couple of parties...and had lots of little baby fun!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

To see the video go to www.jammeree.blogspot.com

Miss Caitlin is 20 weeks old (just short of 5 months).  She is growing and changing everyday.  Her newest thing is talking.  Sometimes she talks our head off and stares at us to make sure we are listening.  She is also rolling over and having lots of fun with that.  She had her 4 months shots about a week or two ago and got a fever and was super fussy and I ended up having to take a day off work since she wasn't feeling good.  

Warren and I had our first date night with out the little bitty.  Our roommate, Jen, kept Caitlin for us and it was so awesome.  We went out to eat and just talked.  I wasn't sure if we could carry a conversation that didn't revolve around Caitlin but it turns out...we have a lot to say about lots of different subjects!  I guess, not everything has changed since having her :)  

Her four month stats were:
Weight: 12 lbs (11th percentile)
Length: 24.25 inches (20th percentile)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Message to Caitlin's grandparents!

Caitlin was busy talking until we pulled out the camera!  She had lots of important things to tell her grandparents, but got camera shy :'( 

Bath time @ 3 1/2 months

Caitlin loves bath time!!!  What a cutie!

Labor Day swim

Some friends invited us to their pool for Labor Day, so Caitlin got to go to the pool for the very first time.  We didn't really put her in the water, since it was so cold, but she at least got to wear all her cute swimming gear (which is the most important part anyway)  :)  But the end she was pretty tired and got to rest in her little tent. 
It also rained on Labor Day, which was the first time it has rained here in San Diego since Caitlin was born...lots of firsts!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Padres game/Concert

Yesterday Warren, me and Caitlin went to a Padres game and afterwords Dierks Bentley had a concert.  It was super fun!  The game was one of the best that I have seen played and the concert was super fun...the crowd was really chill for a concert and Warren and I got to sit the whole time and just enjoy it...instead of fighting people in a mosh pit or something!  Caitlin didn't seem to care for the concert and slept through the whole thing...lol!

She found her fingers

Caitlin found her fingers yesterday!!  It has already been a wonderful blessing...lol!  She has been able to soothe herself and even fell asleep in her jungle gym yesterday...this reminds me of my sister so much!  She sucked her fingers like this and her son (my nephew) Grant does the same thing!  So precious :)

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Loving one another at 3 months!

Miss Caitlin turned 3 months old yesterday!  There have been so many changes in her over the last week!  She is such a joy!!  She is holding her head up really well...and she is turning over now (from stomach to back).  She has been working really hard on rolling from her back to her stomach...and she seems to have a lot of fun practicing for long periods of time . 

It is really important to Warren and me that Caitlin learns the first and second greatest commandments..."Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind...and...Love your neighbor as yourself."  Yesterday, I had the opportunity to embody some of those qualities for Caitlin.  Yesterday morning, Caitlin and I went to a senior living home and cleaned several apartmentts with our Bible study group and we were also able to go to a friends house and help her unpack after a long move across the country.  Caitlin is too young to clean or organize but she seemed to be a real blessing to the older people in the building.  I think they really enjoyed having her around and I know I was so happy having her along with me.  I am looking forward to the day when we are working along beside each other in these projects!!

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Consignment Shopping

So...I have just discovered consignment sales!!!  So much fun!  This weekend we had a children's consignment sale in the area and I took some things to sell and then decided to shop while I was there...I got so much stuff that I needed and....wanted!  So so so fun!  Warren kept laughing at me and asking why Caitlin needed more dresses :)  I even found a pair of leapord print sunglasses for her and she doesn't seem to mind wearing them!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Two Month Appointment

Well...Miss Caitlin finally had her 2 month appointment on Tuesday.  This was a very exciting appointment because we learned how much Caitlin had grown...and it was not fun because Caitlin had to get the first of her immunizations...yikes! 

Caitlin was measured and she is in the 15% percentile of babies her age...meaning... she is tiny.  Our pediatrician said she is not surprised as Warren and I are little people :o) 

These are her measurements at birth:
Weight: 6 pounds 8 ounces
Length: 18 inches
Head circumference: 13.5 inches

Her measurements at 2 months:
Weight: 10 pounds 5 ounces
Length: 22 inches
Head circumference: 15 inches

She is getting to be a big girl!!!

She ended up getting 5 shots and 1 immunization was taken orally.  Warren held her little legs and they gave her all her shots in her legs and then they gave her Charley Brown band-aids.  I, of course, cried...thank goodness Warren was there as I was useless!  She bounced back very quickly...thank goodness.

Caitlin @ Work

Friday, July 29, 2011 was Caitlin's first day of work :)  I went back to work for a few days and took her with me...it's so fun to have a little buddy with me!  She mostly slept in her travel swing which allowed me to get some things done...thank goodness!  I will officially go back to work in September and will take Caitlin with me.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Caitlin dancing :)

Just thought I would share this with you all.  This is how Caitlin and Warren spend a lot of their time together...dancing!  Caitlin seems to have a great time and when Warren stops...she starts crying!  As soon as he starts dancing again, she stops crying and holds her arms out to her side...super cute!

Two months old!

Miss Caitlin is now 2 months old!  So many things have changed in her very short life.  She is now able to entertain herself for periods of time and last night she slept for 6 1/2 hours straight...that's a new record!!  She is also learning co-ordination and control her limbs (although she is still all over the place with her movements).  Hey neck is getting much stronger, soon she will be able to hold it up independently.  A couple of days ago, she made an effort at crawling...super cute! 

Next week, Caitlin will have her 2 month appointment and she will be measured and weighed.   I am so curious to see how much she weighs now!  Warren and I are guessing she is close to 8 pounds now and it seems she has gotten a lot longer!  She will also have to start getting some of her shots.  :(  She was a real trooper in the hospital when she had her heal pricked etc. so we'll see how she does now that she's a little older.  I imagine I will be more upset than miss Caitlin.  She is actually scheduled to get 6 shots at once, but I don't know if Warren & I are going to have her get all of those at once.  That seems like a lot for such a little person!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

A few of Caitlin's favorite things...

Little Caitlin is now in her 8th week of life.  She mostly eats, sleeps, and poops...but she is developing a little personality inside that little body.  Some of Caitlin's favorite things are...dancing, going on walks, being naked (diaper changes are a lot of fun for her), bathing, and watching the ceiling fan.  What does Caitlin hate the most???  Her car seat!  Caitlin is getting use to sitting in her car seat but fights sleep, so she is miserable a lot of the time.  Sometimes she is all sweaty from screaming by the time we get to our location.  Needless to say, it makes going places a little difficult sometimes.