Tummy Time!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

To see the video go to www.jammeree.blogspot.com

Miss Caitlin is 20 weeks old (just short of 5 months).  She is growing and changing everyday.  Her newest thing is talking.  Sometimes she talks our head off and stares at us to make sure we are listening.  She is also rolling over and having lots of fun with that.  She had her 4 months shots about a week or two ago and got a fever and was super fussy and I ended up having to take a day off work since she wasn't feeling good.  

Warren and I had our first date night with out the little bitty.  Our roommate, Jen, kept Caitlin for us and it was so awesome.  We went out to eat and just talked.  I wasn't sure if we could carry a conversation that didn't revolve around Caitlin but it turns out...we have a lot to say about lots of different subjects!  I guess, not everything has changed since having her :)  

Her four month stats were:
Weight: 12 lbs (11th percentile)
Length: 24.25 inches (20th percentile)