Tummy Time!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Message to Caitlin's grandparents!

Caitlin was busy talking until we pulled out the camera!  She had lots of important things to tell her grandparents, but got camera shy :'( 

Bath time @ 3 1/2 months

Caitlin loves bath time!!!  What a cutie!

Labor Day swim

Some friends invited us to their pool for Labor Day, so Caitlin got to go to the pool for the very first time.  We didn't really put her in the water, since it was so cold, but she at least got to wear all her cute swimming gear (which is the most important part anyway)  :)  But the end she was pretty tired and got to rest in her little tent. 
It also rained on Labor Day, which was the first time it has rained here in San Diego since Caitlin was born...lots of firsts!